Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Brother

If for some reason, I won a million dollars, I would tell my brother first.
If I received two plane tickets for anywhere in the world, I would want my brother to travel to Spain with me. Why? Because we always have fun together and he is big and strong so I know he would protect me.  
If my car was to break down, I'd call my brother first.
If my biggest dream came true, It would be my brothers arms I would jump into and we would laugh.
If I accidentally set our house on fire, I know my brother would put it out. 
If I could smash a pie in someone's face, I would smash pie in my brothers.
If I had to be trapped on an island with one person, I would chose my brother. I know somehow, together, we would survive and probably have fun along the way.  

I just really love my brother.

Recently, I've realized, I'm growing up, and my brother is too.  My brother is in college and I don't see him as much as I'd like.  It's weird to think that someday we wont see each other as much as we do now.  I really love my brother. 

 And right now,  I'm just trying to understand why I have to share him with the world.

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