Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I am from...

I am from August 11th 1997
I am from the water. ( literally I was born in the water.)

I am from denim overalls and my red rain boots,
I am from baseball hats on backwards and matching football jerseys with my brother.

I am from my backyard.
I am from mud fights, water fights, kickball, singing to the flowers, and basketball on my driveway 
I am from our maple tree, play house and a stomach full of raspberries. Red, black and yellow.

 I am from familiar words.
I am from "you can do it" and "you have a purpose in this life."

I am from saltwater.
I am from sweat, tears, and the sea-it makes me feel alive.

I am from  red, memory-worn basketball shoes and a gym full of loud people.

I am from dressing my dog up for every birthday party and blowing out ALL the candles, the first time, Every time. 

I am from athletics
I am from flag football with the boys, cross country and hating every minute of it.
I am from Swim team, Horseback riding, track, softball, ballet, soccer,and my love, Basketball.

I am from Breaking the rules.
I am from illegally riding the eighty-five year old  tortoises at the blank park zoo, breaking in to my own church and running barefoot in the hotel hallways.  (rebellious? you know it)

I am from walks with The King Of The Universe.
I am from the creators hands, crafted the way he wanted me to be.
I am from his beautiful grace and because of that I am beyond thankful.

I am from the Knittel athletes and the Hanson writers.

I am from the stories I can tell of my scars.
I am from falling out of a mulberry tree and getting trampled by a horse.
I am from my permanently scarred legs due to one too many soccer games played and several burns from the basketball court.

I am from laughter,
I am from pain,
I am from loss,
I am from joy.

I am from my bonfire scented hair, and the words I never said. 

I am from Ballard high school.
I'm from our great basketball program,
and our wonderful teachers and coaches.

I am from laying under the stars, and discovering so much about life under them.

I am from all the books I've read and find myself lost.
I am from all the poems that have written me and the paintings on my walls.

I am from Wisconsin.
I am from the whitewater rapids and the cliff jumping.
I am from the tall trees that smell like memories.

I am from the freckles on my lips and my sunflower eyes.

I am from today,
walking in the school hallways, eavesdropping on students conversations hearing stuff like "HE SAID WHAT?!?" and "GUESS WHO ASKED ME TO WINTER FORMAL!!!"
I am from right  now, this very moment, learning about life, God and myself.
I am from these very words I write while trying to understand this crazy, beautiful thing we call Life. 

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