Even though I love to laugh and smile there are some things that never fail to bring a even a smirk to my face on my worst days.
*A good grade on a test you thought you failed.
Because what is better than doing better than you expected?
*A basketball game won in overtime.
it may just be an athletes thing but there's something I love about giving everything you've got and succeeding. It makes you feel like all the extra work was actually worth it. It is truly a wonderful feeling.
*My friend, Katie.
I am a strong believer in the fact that every friend you have brings out something different in you and my friend, Katie brings out my giggly side and she never fails.
*Knowing I don't have to wake up early in the morning.
my schedule is probably busier than 89.9 percent of this worlds teens. I'm involved in over ten extra curricular activities and I have a job. When you finally get to sleep in for once, It sure is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
I love writing letters but I also love getting letters. I especially love the random, unexpected letters I get from friends.
*Long horse rides.
I don't know why but whenever I'm having a bad day, If I go ride my horse, my day will get better almost automatically.
*The first snow.
I get so excited I will run around my house and then I'll run out in the snow barefoot!
* Elderly couples holding hands.
Seriously so presh!
* The laughter of babies/small children.
They are seriously the cutest things when they laugh.
* When you witness any sort of kindness being done to a stranger.
It reminds me that there still is good in this world.
* When you observe “friends” who so obviously like each other as more than friends.
This is my favorite but ONLY if its cute. Meaning, the friends that have a significant other that causes lots of drama and they are constantly Breaking up and get back together and they're obviously no good for each other, THAT IS NOT CUTE!!! I don't know if I smile because I just really love love or I smile becauseI think to myself "ahahahah and they think I don't know"
* Remembering a fond childhood memory.
I seriously have the funniest childhood memories ever. If I ever need a laugh simply thinking or how simple and wonderful life was will always bring a smile to my face.
* Finding something you’ve lost.
I lose my phone about three to four times a day and sometimes it will be gone for about three days. I also lose things like, my journal, books, hairbrush, ipod, clothing items, and soooooo much more. When I finally find them I get sooo very happy!
* Unexpectedly running into a long lost friend that you miss.
Isn't it the coolest thing when you really really miss someone and then BAM you run into them. It's definitely a wonderful gift from God.
*My brother.
We always laugh when we're together. I love him.

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